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Academics at MCMS

Mill Creek offers a wide array of opportunities for students to get involved. Whether it is a club, sport, related arts, or academic class, we offer something for everyone! 

Courses at MCMS

Collaboration is the key to school improvement and student achievement. Through curriculum teams, we aspire to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, and culture. Data teams meet quarterly during the school year to focus on student achievement and course placements. Mill Creek Middle provides students with multiple opportunities for growth and practice.

Grading Scale

Grading at MCMS is based on the curriculum and content taught in subject areas. All students’ grades are a clear reflection of their mastery of the content. We adhere to the WCS Board policy grading scale of A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69, F=59 or below. Teachers will provide communication regarding which content standards contribute to each grading category in our electronic grading system.


Flex is an opportunity to provide students with unstructured choice time, provided the student is keeping up with their academic and behavioral responsibilities. Students who are in good academic standing are rewarded with the opportunity to choose their activity for the last class period of the day.  Flex offerings may include academic remediation, study hall, sports/intramurals, and additional related arts-themed activities. 


Academic Course Catalogues